The rivalry between the companies engaged in e-business, especially those in the web hosting industry, raised the stakes so high that the choice of an appropriate data center has come to be a crucial factor in the provision of a quality hosting service. As a valued web hosting client of 100WebSpace you will enjoy all the benefits of all of our state-of-the-art data centers located on several continents: Colohouse in Chicago, USA; UK Servers in Coventry, UK; Ficolo in Pori, Finland; Amaze in Sydney, Australia; S3 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Each of the data centers we offer you is chosen after careful examination of the connectivity options offered. This is the only way we can be sure that when you get an account with us, you and your customers will enjoy excellent connectivity options.
All of our server are built to offer maximum performance at all times. We are only using hardware components that have passed our rigorous testing procedures and our software is specially optimized for this hardware components to eliminate all overhead.
The security of your websites and your account has always been a top priority for us. We have taken several measures to limit all software attacks on the server level and we have anti-virus software running 24/7 in the background.
We have made sure that each of our server has power redundancy in case of a power failure. And each of the data centers we work with has a diesel generator available on site and ready to power the whole facility in case of a power outage.
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